Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Great Black Belt Testing!

We're proud to announce the successful testing of our new black belts this past Sunday. Each student gave it their all and we'd like to congratulate them in reaching their goal of achieving their black belt. What a great accomplishment!

Afterwards, the MAI family enjoyed a wonderful potluck together on a cold, cold night! As we get more pictures of this event, we'll post them on our website and here on our blog.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Another Testimonial!

Check out the latest testimonial on our website:

If you want your child to stay interested in a sport that is great for their body as well improving their attitude and level of respect for others, try karate. Contact us by email, phone or in person today:

Sunday, February 8, 2009

New Testimonial

We're excited to receive another unsolicited testimonial about the benefits of MAI karate training and we wanted to share it!

Contact us today and see how we can change your and your kids' lives!